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Aiden ended up with a head cold yesterday that is tearing the poor boy up. He kept telling my mom that his nose was leaking. :( Last night gave him a big Vick's chest rub down and put him to bed. He woke me up at 12:30 am coughing and sputtering and trying to breath past globs of phelm you could hear were locked into his throat and chest. I raced in there...got him upright and he coughed hard twice and puked all over both of us. Got him to the bathroom...Sean got us some new clothes...and Aiden and I got a hot steam as I locked us in the bathroom with the shower running at scald. that really cleared him out...We cuddled on the couch with his Barbi movie (yes my son like Barbi)...and then changed it to Monsters Inc (only likes Barbi for a little bit). Got him back to bed at 3 with a fresh coating of Vicks. I am trying to figure out how I am functioning on little sleep with NO Caffiene today.
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